The House of the Springs was dedicated on December 29, 2008 with grandsons Jack and Wyatt Scott, PopPop (aka Smiling Bear), Kristopher and Loki. According to JoJoPah’s shamanic teaching, the source of the springs on the land is the essence of the Earth Mother. Water is essential to sustainability and we are blessed to have our own natural supply here at Sanctuary.
We have a hand-dug well that supplies our home with good, safe, clean water. The land itself is sustained by natural springs that run throughout. There is a spring house on the upper part of the property which has been there for over 100 years. According to accounts from neighbors, Nellie Grooms used to keep her perishables in the spring house. We have never used it for anything in particular, yet we’ve always kept it in shape and free from animal visitors.
While the boys were visiting ole Gammie, Loki went outside to encourage them to join her in the adventure of clearing the path to the spring house. It was wintertime so the weeds were easy to pull and burn in the new fire pit that Smiling Bear had built by the pond. At first the boys said, “No thanks Gam, we want to play chess.” “Ok, see you later” said good ole Gammie.
I went alone. Shortly after getting started pulling the weeds, sure enough there they came; gloves on and a smile on their tender faces. This was a good sign. Both boys immediately wanted to help. Jack started pulling big sticks out of the tall grass. Wyatt tried to break the sticks for kindling for the fireplace in the house. Some of his attempts worked; others he had to ask PopPop to get the chain saw to cut them up. Before we sat the crystal, we smudged each other