The Land has always been sacred.

When we were trying to buy “the farm” as we called it back in the 70s, we knew it was special. We knew it would bring us many rewarding adventures in years to come. Just prior to actually getting the farm, we had purchased a book at the annual Clarksville picnic titled “5 acres and Independence’. That really struck home, freedom to do what we wanted was exactly what we needed. We were very young, very much in love, and eager to share with others.

Back then 5 acres was not a big track of land, however it was everything to us. We saw every possibility imaginable. Because the property bordered State Route 108 to the east, but most of all because it was going to be home to a large black shepherd, one of the first things we did was to fence it for dogs. Having lived in the apartment this was a big deal, our four children were eager to have pets. The land allowed us to do a lot very quickly.

The garden was also in the beginning. We lived with two other adults and our children and it made it fun to do all the hard work that was ahead of us. Working with others who are like-minded has a way of making everything easier. We cleared the land and Loki sold Avon products to get the funds to buy garden tools and seeds for the garden. Little did we know that this was the beginning of making community within our new neighborhood. Little by little it started to come together; new friends donated cuttings from their successful plants, including wine grapes to add to our existing crop of grapes. They gave us chickens to raise up to lay eggs, a great deal of unsolicited wisdom and knowledge, and encouragement to get started. Many blue ribbons were won at county and state fairs. We had found heaven.

We always had grand parties for friends and family to celebrate spring and Smiling Bear’s birthday in April. We would roast a pig that we had raised on the land, and share its bounty with friends who had helped us throughout the year. On a section of the land by the creek we built a softball field so we could play with friends on Sunday afternoons. My goodness the memories that come back to mind! Fun was had by one and all.

Over the years things changed as they always do. Friends moved away, the garden got smaller, and things started to shift on the land. A new interest in the Native American spirituality had developed, and thus a shift in the use of the land. We had a huge celebration and gathering at the Tipi rising, and Loki held Reiki sessions in the Tipi over the next several years. It was a novelty to many but to Loki it was now even a more sacred space.

Just prior to her retirement from the business world, Loki had the spring-fed pond revamped. A liner was installed to build on Smiling Bear’s work in building a dam and water slew, and the pond actually tripled in size. Another place for adventures and ceremonies was created. It is now known for it’s healing waters. More magic from the land.

After 40 years of being stewards of the land, Loki and Smiling Bear are still caring for the 5 acres that has given them so much more than independence and freedom. They feel truly blessed to have had the opportunity to live a lifestyle that is very different from most. The land and “the farm” and Sanctuary as it’s now called, represent a little bit of the past that will soon be long forgotten. Take a few minutes and enjoy visiting the Tingan tree, the story about the Road Angel, the Lagoon, and the House of the Healing Springs. Hopefully you will get a sense the magic and wonder of The Land.