The pond started out as a little “stream” running down from the House of the Springs. Horses used to water there. That was 30 years ago and things have changed. Smiling Bear built a dam to hold back the water, and a slew to bring water off the top of the dam and into the pond. This is an all-natural spring fed pond. Very unusual. This was one of the reasons the company who installed the new pond liner and all the beautiful stones took on this project. For a few years, the pond was a feature on his web site.
Recently, during the bountiful ceremony of the Tingan Tree, the beauty and power of the healing water was experienced . We thank Mother Nature as we work to keep the waters pure. We are truly gifted to be stewards of this sacred space. We enjoy and honor this gift. Mother Nature is in charge, and she can always use a little help.
In recent years, the pond has become a “focal gathering place” for friends during the spring and summer months. Loki especially enjoys the pond. She usually makes a nightly pilgrimage to the pond and has a glass of wine while talking to the koi fish and making sure that all is in order. She has a nickname of “scout” and that she is! She amazes her friends and guests at how quickly she can notice any changes, i.e. a missing fish. Or a dead something floating. She often lights little votive candles and floats them when it gets dark.
Loki is also pretty much the one who is the caretaker of the pond. She just loves getting dirty in the muck and mud and boasts when things are “in order.” Then when Great Spirit sends big thunderstorm or a major flooding she laughs and often says, “I clean and plan, and Great Spirit laughs.” How true?
Regardless of the work involved, the pond does bring joy and a peaceful feeling to most that frequent the site. Some are a little squeamish about seeing a snake calming and gently resurrect from the depths of the water and skim across the surface of the pond. All of nature has the pond as a refuge or hang-out when it is their time.
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